Some of those core features include stickers, text, audio recordings (so that you can add a voiceover), and script creation. This video editing software allows you to make your high-quality videos in just minutes, and since it has a wide range of different features and tools, you won’t feel restricted by the various offerings. Write-On Video is exceptionally intuitive, making it one of the more accessible alternatives to iMovie to master. It doesn’t have as many editing tools like some other apps.It can take some time to export each video.Import music from iTunes or your iOS device.If you click an affiliate link and subsequently make a purchase, we will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you (you pay nothing extra). Important disclosure: we're proud affiliates of some tools mentioned in this guide. Here are the eight best iMovie alternatives for Mac and Windows. Luckily, you can use several different video editors instead of iMovie. If you are running Windows, iMovie just isn’t going to work, and you will require something different. The main reason someone would look for an alternative to iMovie is if they don’t have a Mac to use it. Plus, it’s free and is adored by many of its users – so why wouldn’t you want to use it when editing your videos? It’s an intuitive editor that allows amateur video creators to create professional-looking results with some practice. This is in stark contrast to the old method of linear editing, wherein a strip of the film would be cut into pieces and pasted back together in a new order.